Sunday, July 20, 2008

I've Made a Decision...

So after talking it out with my family and doing some real soul searching, I have decided which doctor I want to go to for the Lap Band surgery. I've chosen Dr. Michael A. Snyder in Denver, CO. I know what you are thinking, why on Earth did I already make a decision before I even met Dr. K. Well, because of research I have found on him and just vibes and feelings I have been having since the beginning of the month. Plus, a couple of years ago I wanted to have the gastric bypass done and started rolling the ball with Dr. Snyder. The ball stopped because my employer made it an exclusion when I was in the middle of doing the 6 month doctor supervised diet. So I pretty much gave up on the whole idea of any type of bariatric surgery and thought I would just have to lose weight the old fashioned way... So now here I am 297 lbs and weighing even more now then I did back when I wanted to go to Dr. Snyder to begin with. Here were the other deciding factors:

~The fact that I would be kept in the hospital for 2 days after the surgery (this just sounds safer to me then having it as an outpatient surgery)
~That if I had $15,000 laying around in cash, I would go to Dr. Snyder hands down with no second thought.
~His post-op care and support. He makes you take many classes after surgery so you know how to make the bad work to the best of your abilities.
~He completely 100% cares about you as a person without judgement of any kind.
~His bed side manner cannot be beat.
~He wants to find the "sweet spot" for your band within 3 months after the surgery to limit the amount of time and money sent on adjustments after that time.
~He has a lot more advanced technology that he uses in the OR and is always taking more training classes to learn better ways to operate.

I could go on and on for days, but I just wanted you to understand why I made this decision before actually meeting Dr. K. So that is that. I am hoping to use some of the money we have saved (about $2100), plus I have about $2600 that my parents and Grandma set up for me years ago to use for whatever I wanted to use it for. All in all that pretty much makes up the price difference between the 2 doctors as well. I guess that was what was holding me back from going to Dr. Snyder, money. I am hoping that a magical fairy drops another $5000 onto us. I have a feeling it will happen, not to say that it would be from one source, but I just have a feeling that we will get some help from my and Josh's family. Send your good thoughts my way!! :)

Well, I will type more later on. See ya!

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