Friday, October 24, 2008

An Update...

Hi, so I haven't written in a while. Just getting back into the swing of things, life, work, cleaning up the house, etc... Healing has been going really good, I only have a little bit of a scab on the larger of my wounds, where my port is at and even that should be gone by Monday I think. I am still pretty swollen internally where my port is at and I have been taking Tylenol for the pain at work. I have a desk job and so after 10 hours of sitting at my desk, it is a little sore and tender.

I went back to work this past Monday and I only told a few people (that I knew I could trust what I was actually doing) all others just thought I took off vacation. A lot of people are nosey and have been trying to find out what I did when I was gone, why I didn't go somewhere tropical, or whatever. I just hate it, I wish people would mind their own business... So I have a co-worker that is supportive of my surgery, but has also been rude about it at times. I don't know if she is jealous because I will be able to maintain my weight loss after losing it or what. She isn't heavy or anything and I really don't understand her motives for being so snide. She offers me foods that I really shouldn't be eating now (since I have about 4 more days on soft foods) like popcorn, chips, cake, (that would go down easy, but I have eaten enough cake in my life to feed 4 small villages in Africa), and chocolates. She KNOWS what I can eat now because I have shown her a menu that my surgeon's office gave me for examples. Also, since my tummy is healed for the most part, I can pretty much eat 2-4 ounces of food at a time and get hungry with in an hour or two (I am scheduled for a fill on 11/11, thank God!). I am a believer of eating when you feel hungry (after drinking a bunch of water and making sure that you aren't just thirsty), so I eat every 2-3 hours. A few days ago she had the nerve to tell me when I was going tot he fridge to get some protein that I "have had enough food for the day" and it was about 1:00 in the afternoon at this time. I looked at her and said "I eat if I am hungry and my surgeon wants me to eat every 2-3 hours so I get in all the protein I need in a day". She pretty much shut up at that time. Why do people have to be so hurtful and condescending? If it doesn't affect them, they shouldn't care. People think their opinions are so important that they have a right to tell you what they think. That is the EXACT reason why I didn't tell everyone at my work about the surgery, I don't need people judging what I am eating, how much I am eating, and how often. SIGH!!!

OK, so I feel better now... The only struggles I am having with food and eating is that I still feel like I just want to pig out and eat as much as possible. I can't do that anymore and that is when I feel badly. I started up taking anti-depressants again and I was pretty sad about that. I wanted to be off of all my medicines and when I got back on it, I felt weak. Last week it hit me HARD though and all I wanted to do was sleep and cry. So I knew it was time. I am off of my high blood pressure medication though and I am SO happy about that! I am sure me losing 19 pounds when I was 2 weeks post-op helped my blood pressure stabilize. 19 pounds is crazy huh!? My fill nurse says I might not lose anymore weight up until my fill appointment and to at least try and maintain that loss. That has been my experience so far (there are days that I eat something that I probably shouldn't), so I am sure if I re-focused again I would drop at least 5-10 more pounds. It is nice to have my clothes and bras not be so tight that I am uncomfortable though.

Well, that is it for now. I promise I will write more again. Talk to you later!

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